
Parables: Portraits of God’s Kingdom in Matthew, Mark, and Luke is unavailable, but you can change that!

Although Jesus’ parables may seem simple on the surface, they convey deep and complex truths about God’s Kingdom. The parables Jesus uses in his teaching aren’t merely illustrations or moral tales. They are intricate stories that reveal the mysteries central to the kingdom of God. In this volume of the Not Your Average Bible Study series, John D. Barry unravels the many layers of Jesus’ parables,...

Pray that God would give you courage to do his will, no matter how hard things get. Read Matthew 24:32–36; Luke 21:29–33. Then read and reflect on Mark 13:28–32. Just before Jesus tells the Parable of the Good Fig Tree (Mark 13:28–32), he has been discussing issues concerning his return to earth—when the final judgment of all of humanity will take place and all things will be restored and renewed (13:1–31). He discusses these things during his last days in Jerusalem,
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